UROP Application Writing Workshops

UROP Application Writing Workshops Available!

Students applying for the NSF EPSCoR UROP scholarship are strongly encouraged to participate in the Application Writing Workshop. The workshop is presented in three sessions at different NSHE campuses around the state. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in each of the three sessions. Faculty interested in or committed to mentoring a research undergraduate should attend Session 1.

Opportunity URL: https://solarnexus.epscorspo.nevada.edu/nevada-undergraduate-research-opportunity-program-urop/

Education or Prof. Dev. Event


  • session 1 - learn more about urop and connect with potential mentors
  • session 2 - work with writing center staff to further draft and edit urop applications
  • session 3 - finalize urop applications.

The UROP Application Writing Workshops will be held at the following Nevada System of Higher Education campuses. Students from nearby campuses are invited to attend a session near you:

Truckee Meadows Community College
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of Nevada, Reno
Great Basin College
Western Nevada College


Not applicable

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Michele Casella

Contact Phone

(702) 522-7076

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