The NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) is a set of activities and programs that prepare scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and broadens the impact of select, NSF-funded, basic-research projects. The Center for Entrepreneurship and UNLV College of Engineering have recently earned the distinguished honor of becoming an NSF I-Corps site and was awarded a three-year, $255,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support site activities. As an NSF I-Corps site, the Center will incubate 15 to 25 projects a year. Faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, staff, and alumni are encouraged to apply to be part of this exciting program. 

Selected teams will receive up to $3,000 plus mentoring support for three months. Please visit the website below for more information about the application process.

Opportunity URL: https://entrepreneurship.unlv.edu/nsf-i-corps/

Faculty Collaboration


  • UNLV Faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, staff, and alumni
  • Must identify an academic lead: will serve as Principle Investigator (PI), is typically a UNLV Faculty/Staff
  • Must identify an entrepreneurial lead: can be a student, faculty/staff, or alumni
  • Must identify an industry mentor: cannot be a UNLV employee. The Center for Entrepreneurship can help you find a mentor if you need help identifying one.
  • Must attend the Lean LaunchPad Training


Up to $3,000

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Leith Martin

Contact Phone


Contact Email

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