Spring Internship Opportunity at Kennedy Space Center Florida

Internship Dates: January 16, 2018 – May 4, 2018

Students will assist NASA educators in preparation for spring educator workshops, pre-service teacher workshops and K-12 student programs. Students will learn how to teach NASA STEM hands-on activities to K-12 students, teachers and pre-service teachers. Students will get opportunities to teach these activities in formal and informal classroom settings, time to practice classroom management skills, instructional methodology, and the opportunity to expand teacher content knowledge. Students will learn how to teach to a diverse population, including under-served, under-represented, minority, disabled and low income. Students will learn how to develop and plan curriculum for NASA STEM hands-on activities. Assignments also include assembling materials for hands-on activities, and helping with logistics. Student is responsible for arranging and paying for their lodging and round trip travel expenses to KSC. Travel to programs within the Florida and Georgia region may be required and NASA will reimburse travel expenses associated with these programs beyond the KSC 50 mile radius.

Graduate Position


  • education major
  • undergraduate or graduate student
  • 18+
  • us citizen
  • valid drivers license
  • own transportation


Not Known

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Lynn Fenstermaker

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