REU Site: Mechanisms of Evolution

The REU Site: Mechanisms of Evolution is accepting applications. This NSF supported program provides students with an opportunity to perform independent research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Participants receive a $5,750 stipend ($575 per week), travel subsidy and complimentary housing in a UNLV dormitory. Students from underrepresented groups and from academic institutions with limited research opportunities, including two-year colleges, are strongly encouraged to apply.

The program dates are May 30 to August 3, 2018. The application deadline is Saturday April 7, 2018.

A complete application includes a one-page career essay, transcripts and one letter of recommendation.

Opportunity URL:

Undergraduate Position


  • Applications will be accepted from students majoring in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental science, microbiology, science education, and mathematics enrolled at either a two-year or four-year institution.
  • Applications will only be accepted from U.S. citizens and permanent residents (green card holders)
  • First-generation college students, members of groups underrepresented in science, education majors, non-traditional students, and post-9/11 veterans are encouraged to apply. 
  • Students receiving their bachelor's degree in May/June of the current academic year are not eligible for this program.
  • Students with funding from other sources such as EPSCoR, McNair, NASA, MARC, and RISE are eligible for this program, but cost sharing or matching might be required by the granting agencies.
  • High school students should contact the REU Program at to determine their eligibility.


$5,750 stipend

Open Date


Closing Date


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