NV STEAM Conference

Join the Nevada Museum of Art in partnership with the Desert Research Institute’s Science Alive program, for the inaugural, statewide conference to explore best practices in STEAM Education. Supported by the Nevada Department of Education and the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, and in collaboration with arts, science, and educational organizations from across the state, the NV STEAM Conference will inspire creative innovation through engaging, hands-on workshops and nationally recognized keynote speakers. The NV STEAM Conference promises to be the most important state-wide event for exploring ideas and strategies that incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math Education into innovative classroom practices that foster student creativity and innovation.

WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

WHERE: Nevada Museum of Art, 160 West Liberty Street, Reno, Nevada 89501

FREE For Teachers, (0.5) In service Credits, plus Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Happy Hour Reception

Opportunity URL: http://www.nevadaart.org/nvsteam/info/

Education or Prof. Dev. Event


There are no specific qualifications required for this opportunity.

Open Date


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