Workshop: Involving Undergraduates in Research

Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 12:00 – 1:00 pmBDC Room 113

This workshop is open to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.

Attendees will hear from faculty and their students who will discuss how they have successfully integrated undergraduate students into their research projects. The panel of faculty researchers includes Dr. Josh Baker (Educational & Clinical Studies), Dr. Matthew Bernacki (Educational Psychology & Higher Education), and Dr. Rachael Robnett (Psychology).

This event is co-sponsored by the College of Education and the Office of Undergraduate Research.

Opportunity URL:

Education or Prof. Dev. Event


There are no specific qualifications required for this opportunity.


Not Applicable

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Office of Research and Sponsored Projects University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Contact Phone

(702) 895-3215

Contact Email

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