The Experiencing HPC (High Performance Computing) for Undergraduates program fully funds about 25 students (US-based and from the rest of the world) to attend the SC17 conference. This year the conference is in Denver, CO from November 12 to November 17.
The program aims to bring a diverse group of undergraduate students interested in High Performance Computing to the conference. They will be given some dedicated lectures and will interact with experts in the field, from industry, government labs and academia, all in addition to having full access to the rest of the conference. This program provides them a place to learn more about the field, and decide whether they want to go into the HPC industry or to join a graduate program in an HPC-related field.
The program covers travel expenses for students to attend SC17, including air travel, housing, and registration for the full Technical Program and workshops at the conference. For more details about the program and to apply, please visit the link below. The deadline to apply is July 10, 2017.
Opportunity URL: