BIO-SENS Summer Research Internship

BIO-SENS is a collaborative multi-state project researching the development of biosensors to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing.

Two-year and four-year undergraduate students from any state are invited to apply for a 10- week paid academic research internship to work in the labs of experienced faculty at Auburn University, the University of Maine, or the University of New Hampshire. You must be a USA citizen or permanent resident to qualify for this internship.

Research Descriptions

Auburn University – Alabama: The research focus of the Pantazes Lab in the Chemical Engineering Department at Auburn University is on the development of computational methods for designing binding proteins. We have two research positions available to design mutations to known proteins that bind insulin and interleukin-6. Minimum Requirements: grade of C or better in any biochemistry course and grade of C or better in any programming course

University of New Hampshire: The research focus of Dr. Halpern’s SEEDS Lab in the Chemical Engineering Department at University of New Hampshire is on the measurement of surface changes using electrochemistry. We have one research position available to monitor surface binding proteins. Minimum Requirements: grade of B or better in general chemistry and calculus. AP credit also accepted.

University of Maine: The research focus of Dr. Crawley’s MREM EDA lab in the School of Economics at University of Maine is on the analysis and development of novel techniques for labor market analysis. We have two positions available that will build and code new industrial data extraction models. Minimum Requirements: grade of C or better in a statistical course and a C or better in a econometric methods or programming class.

Opportunity URL:



  • USA citizen or permanent resident


$5000 Stipend

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Allison Wasiewski

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