2024 Bridge to Graduate School: Professional Development Program

Bridge to Graduate School is a professional development program focused on equipping upper-level undergraduate students in Nevada with the tools they need to navigate the path to graduate school. Through a combination of live, seminar-style sessions and independent activities, discover practical tips on success in the research setting, the graduate school application process, running a successful project, advice on getting funded, and a peek into the process of publishing your work.

In the application, you will be able to elect your first and second choice of the following:

Session 1: January 8-12, 2024, 9-10:30am each day
Session 2: May 20-24, 2024, 9-10:30am each day

Opportunity URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6hRkX3WkkCzsmJDIw_1sklh7CCDj77txQvpCo1tX6IbySFA/viewform

Education or Prof. Dev. Event


  • You are considering graduate school as a next step
  • You are interested in learning more about what is involved in the commitment to go to graduate school
  • You don’t know how to approach the grad school process

Earn a stipend up to $1,500* for the following commitment: 

– Active participation in 7.5 hours of live, seminar-style professional development sessions, and

– Thoughtful preparation of and revisions to your personal statement (statement of intent) for a graduate school application, and 

– Completion of approximately ten hours of indepdent activities, including sharing your work with the group.  

*Each session and activity in which you participate enables you to earn funds towards the total amount. 



Up to $1,500 Stipend

Open Date


Closing Date


Contact Name

Meghan Collins

Contact Email

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