The NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Fire Science (HDRFS) project has released a Request for Proposals for 2023-2024 Seed Grants. The overarching goal of the HDRFS project is to increase the capacity of Nevada for wildland fire research, education, and workforce development and to demonstrate this increased capacity through fire research in the regionally important sagebrush ecosystem.
HDRFS will engage faculty in areas related to, but not recognized in, the current research to provide new opportunities and pursue high-risk, high-impact research. HDRFS seed funding is not intended to provide a substitute for NSF individual investigator funding. Seed grant funding will provide strategic mechanisms for additional research, education, and workforce development (E-WFD), and sustainability in relevant areas and will provide proof of principle results needed to secure external funding. Research areas should align with the 2020 NSHE Science and Technology Plan (S&T). Research areas may include, but aren’t limited to:
Opportunity URL:
Post-doctoral researchers are not eligible to apply. Faculty members who are currently involved in the HDRFS project are not eligible. The goal of the mini-grants is to attract faculty members with expertise in HDRFS-related areas who were not involved in the original proposal submittal.
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