Networking and information sharing, for the sake of research proposal development and implementation, can be a challenge.
The goal of the Opportunities Page of the Nevada STEM Mentor Network is to overcome networking and communication challenges that come when working on a multi-faceted, multi-partner project.
STEM graduate assistant and undergraduate positions
Research scholarship and fellowship opportunities
Current grant-funded research looking for leveraging partners
Solicitations/announcements for new research projects
Seed funding for statewide research projects & collaborations
Other STEM-related education/research related opportunities
Current Opportunities
Postdoc Opportunities has 167 different postdoc and early career opportunities posted on the site, including postdoctoral fellowships, grants, travel awards, mentoring [ ]
Summer Research Opportunities
If you are interested in conducting summer research, now is the time to start looking as many summer research programs [ ]
The Nevada STEM Mentor Network is growing quickly and we would love to keep you updated as we add new mentors, opportunities, trailblazers and more. Simply enter your email address below to subscribe to our email updates. We will never sell, lease or use your email for spam.