I’ve served on several graduate student committees and have worked with several undergraduate students. What I find most rewarding is helping the students succeed in their efforts and move on to the start of a good career. Connecting one-on-one with students is a way to help the next generation get at least one step ahead of where I started.
I’m a jack of many trades with training in soil science, plant ecology, climate and remote sensing. I use a number of tools from my training in these sciences to investigate ecosystem response to climate change and variability at a number of scales; i.e., data from ground measurements, UAS, aircraft, satellite data to assess leaf-level, plant, and ecosystem level responses. A segment of this work also includes the establishment of monitoring equipment. I also serve as Director for NV’s Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR programs that seek to improve STEM education and research infrastructure within NV.
I’ve never received any personal recognition/achievement for mentoring, but regardless, it’s the experience the student gains and the completion of their degree that is the most important achievement.
I’ve always enjoyed the exploration and observation of the great outdoors and how nature responds to any number of stressors (natural or anthropogenic).