2024 Bridge to Graduate School: Professional Development Program

Bridge to Graduate School is a professional development program focused on equipping upper-level undergraduate students in Nevada with the tools they need to navigate the path to graduate school. Through a combination of live, seminar-style sessions and independent activities, discover practical tips on success in the research setting, the graduate school application process, running a successful project, advice on getting funded, and a peek into the process of publishing your work.

In the application, you will be able to elect your first and second choice of the following:

Session 1: January 8-12, 2024, 9-10:30am each day
Session 2: May 20-24, 2024, 9-10:30am each day

BIO-SENS Summer Professional Development Seminar Series

BIO-SENS is a collaborative EPSCOR National Science Foundation funded multi-state (AL, ME, NH, and WY) project researching biosensors to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing. This seminar series is central to our workforce development goal of building a strong inclusive community.

Students attending this seminar series will gain the critical skills and tools needed to handle difficult issues that will arise in their future careers.

The seminars will be held on the following dates on Zoom: 

  • Psychological Capital and Thriving: Jun 1, 2023 10:00 AM
  • Creating a Gender Inclusive Research Space: Jun 22, 2023 10:00 AM
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Mental Health: Jul 6, 2023 10:00 AM
  • Biotechnology Careers and Pathways: Jul 20, 2023 10:00 AM

Bridge to Graduate School: Professional Development Program

Bridge to Graduate School is a professional development program focused on equipping upper-level undergraduate students in Nevada with the tools they need to navigate the path to graduate school.

 Using a combination of live, seminar-style sessions and take-home activities, discover practical tips on success in the research setting, the graduate school application process, running a successful project, advice on getting funded, and a peek into the process of publishing your work.

2019 Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) STEM Leadership Institute

About the Institute
Enlightened institutions of higher education recognize the value of cultivating leadership capacity among STEM faculty and administrators. The PKAL STEM Leadership Institute empowers individuals to fully understand and implement the theory and practice of navigating the politics of change, addressing inter- and intrapersonal conflicts, and restructuring the institutional systems that limit our capacity for global competitiveness in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

This Institute—uniquely designed for early- and midcareer STEM faculty, principal investigators, and administrators—awakens and sensitizes its participants to the systems, structures, and influences of power and privilege within higher education, equipping them with the tools and skills needed to bring about social change in STEM. Nearly 60% of the Institute’s curriculum is grounded in the major tenets of experiential learning, including the state-of-the-art diversity simulation, My Tenure Trek™  (MTT), which guides participants through real-world experiences that are representative of cultures, norms, and traditions that are distinctly different from their own.

Who Should Apply?

  • Early- to midcareer STEM faculty with an interest in leading undergraduate STEM reform on their campuses, and nationally
  • Principal investigators who lead undergraduate STEM reform initiatives
  • Administrators (with STEM disciplinary expertise) of academic STEM units

Individuals from community colleges, minority-serving institutions, and/or historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

2019 Don Asher Graduate School Application Boot Camp

Dr. Asher is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on the graduate admission process. Hundreds of thousands of students have seen his lectures, tapes, and teleconferences. He is the author of twelve books, including “Graduate Admissions Essays, the best-selling guide to the graduate admissions process, and “The Best Scholarships for the Best Students.”

The intensive two-day workshop will take place Tuesday, July 9 & Wednesday, July 10, 2019 on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Lunch will be provided.

Sample topics include:
– Identifying graduate programs in your discipline
– Writing an effective personal statement
– Approaching the GRE
– Finding funding (NOT LOANS!)
– Selecting a faculty mentor

Hotel Suggestions:

Registration Cost: $250 per attendee. Please visit the website to register.

NV STEAM Conference

Join the Nevada Museum of Art in partnership with the Desert Research Institute’s Science Alive program, for the inaugural, statewide conference to explore best practices in STEAM Education. Supported by the Nevada Department of Education and the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, and in collaboration with arts, science, and educational organizations from across the state, the NV STEAM Conference will inspire creative innovation through engaging, hands-on workshops and nationally recognized keynote speakers. The NV STEAM Conference promises to be the most important state-wide event for exploring ideas and strategies that incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math Education into innovative classroom practices that foster student creativity and innovation.

WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

WHERE: Nevada Museum of Art, 160 West Liberty Street, Reno, Nevada 89501

FREE For Teachers, (0.5) In service Credits, plus Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Happy Hour Reception

SPACE – Space Port Area Conference for K-12 Educators

The Astronauts Memorial Foundation is launching the first certified educator conference at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, July 11-13, 2018. SPACE is the place to be – summer of 2018!

Experience stimulating presentations from Astronauts, NASA science and engineering experts in all fields. Participate in interactive, hands-on sessions with acclaimed teacher specialists team-teaching alongside NASA experts. Tour Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station including historic launch pad sites, the Vehicle Assembly Building, Launch Control Center and more.

Sign up at the link below if you are interested in attending this 1st ever educator conference at KSC and would like to receive information when registration is open and the call for proposals is available.

UNLV Engineering Career Fair

Save the date for the UNLV Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering first engineering-specific Career Fair for Mechanical, Electrical/Computer, Computer Science, Civil/Construction Management, and Entertainment Engineering & Design students.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
9 AM – 4 PM
Foundation Building, UNLV Campus

More information, including registration link, will be available soon.

High Performance Computing for Undergraduates Program

The Experiencing HPC (High Performance Computing) for Undergraduates program fully funds about 25 students (US-based and from the rest of the world) to attend the SC17 conference. This year the conference is in Denver, CO from November 12 to November 17.

The program aims to bring a diverse group of undergraduate students interested in High Performance Computing to the conference. They will be given some dedicated lectures and will interact with experts in the field, from industry, government labs and academia, all in addition to having full access to the rest of the conference. This program provides them a place to learn more about the field, and decide whether they want to go into the HPC industry or to join a graduate program in an HPC-related field.

The program covers travel expenses for students to attend SC17, including air travel, housing, and registration for the full Technical Program and workshops at the conference. For more details about the program and to apply, please visit the link below. The deadline to apply is July 10, 2017.

Research Skills Academy for High School Students

The UNLV Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR-UNLV) will be holding a Research Skills Academy for high school students July 10 and 11, 2017 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Bennett Development Center (BDC).

Programming for the Academy includes:

1) Introduction to Research – Tour research labs, Lied Library, and the UNLV campus; Learn about resources offered at UNLV
2) Interact with Researchers – UNLV faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students; Meet community research professionals
3) Professional Development Training – Build a professional CV (academic resume); Create an Individual Development Plan