Dr. Richard Scott

( University of Nevada, Reno )


(775) 750-3091
  • Institution:University of Nevada, Reno
  • Departments: anthropology
  • Research Fields: Dental Anthropology, Human Evolution, Population History
  • Disciplines: Anthropology, Social Sciences
  • Funding:UNR - University of Nevada, Reno


I have worked with both undergraduate and graduate students over my 50-year career. I have involved them primarily in dental morphological research but have covered other topics as well, including cannibalism, dental modification, oral tori, and oral health. I have an enormous amount of dental data to analyze, evaluate, and publish. I have published papers with over 30 students, mostly graduate students but also around 10 undergraduate students. When I was a student, the publication process was a mystery to me. For that reason, I like to show students the ropes about addressing research questions, analyzing data, and how to submit articles to peer-reviewed journals.


My specialty is dental anthropology, with a focus on human tooth crown and root morphology. I have written or edited five books in this area, including The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth (1997), which came out as a second edition in 2018. Geographically, I have worked in the American Southwest, Alaska, the North Atlantic, Spain, and Hungary.