Dr. Mustafa Hadj-Nacer

( University of Nevada, Reno )


(775) 682-7480
  • Institution:University of Nevada, Reno
  • Departments: mechanical engineering
  • Research Fields: Heat Transfer, Nuclear Waste Management, Sensors, Fluid Mechnanics, Spent Nuclear Fuel, Modeling, Cfd, Numerical Simulation, Experiments
  • Disciplines: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
  • Funding:DoE - Department of Energy, EPSCoR - Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, UNR - University of Nevada, Reno, USDoE - United States Department of Education


Mentored over 30 grad and undergrad students


Dr. Mustafa Hadj-Nacer is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada Reno (UNR). Dr. Hadj-Nacer’s research is focused on applying and developing experimentally benchmarked computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for several applications ranging from Nuclear Packaging to Enhanced Heat Transfer and Cooling systems.

Dr. Hadj-Nacer received a Ph.D. from Aix-Marseille University, France. His research included gas-surface interaction in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and the measurement of the mass flow rate through micro-tubes of different cross-section shapes and materials. He also developed analytical and numerical approaches to calculate the mass flow rate in the slip, transitional and free molecular flow regimes.