Dr. Laura Rosales-Lagarde

( Nevada State University )


(702) 992-2631
  • Institution:Nevada State University
  • Departments: physical and life sciences
  • Research Fields: Air Quality, Hydrology, Soils, Speleology, Environmental, Instrumentation, Caves
  • Disciplines: Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Physical Sciences
  • Location:Clark County


Laura Rosales-Lagarde mentors students inside and outside class. Inside class, she uses project-based learning to allow students to apply their knowledge and skills. Outside class, Dr. Rosales has mentored students on how to collect air quality data inside and outside casinos along the Las Vegas Strip. Students also investigated environmental parameters in caves and springs in Mexico and the U.S.


Laura Rosales-Lagarde is a geoscientist interested in processes and phenomena occurring at the intersection of different environments. She finished her bachelor in chemistry, master and doctorate in geology. Previous research has focused on: the geochemistry and stratigraphy of a volcanosedimentary Paleozoic sequence in Mexico; the hydrogeology and subsurface water-rock interactions and speleogenesis at northern Sierra de Chiapas. Current research focuses on air quality and environmental instrumentation using open-sources. Dr. Rosales is passionate for the implementation of sustainability as a tool to provide justice, equity, diversity and inclusive opportunities for everyone.

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Dr. Laura Rosales-Lagarde
Laura caving