Dr. David Mitchell

( Desert Research Institute )


(775) 674-7039
  • Institutions:Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada, Reno
  • Departments: division of atmospheric sciences at dri
  • Research Fields: Cloud Physics, Atmospheric Radiation, Satellite Remote Sensing, Climate Intervention Research
  • Disciplines: Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics, Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences
  • Funding:NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Three students have received their PhD under my guidance (as their PhD advisor) and I was the advisor of one MS student, all of which have graduated.


Dr. David Mitchell received a Ph.D. from the University of Nevada, USA, in 1995 and has contributed to the peer-reviewed literature in the atmospheric science sub-disciplines of cloud physics, radiation, remote sensing and climate dynamics. He and his students developed a theory describing the evolution of the North American monsoon that is now widely accepted, and he developed a treatment of ice cloud radiative properties that is currently used in the NCAR climate models. He and Dr. Anne Garnier developed and published (in 2016) the first satellite remote sensing retrieval for ice particle concentrations and later discovered the percentage of cirrus clouds strongly affected by homogeneous ice nucleation (globally in terms of latitude and season). He published the first paper on the climate intervention method known as “cirrus cloud thinning” (CCT) that can be verified using the above satellite remote sensing method (should it ever be deployed). He has given 40 invited talks at universities and research institutes in the USA, the U.K., Germany, Mexico, Norway, France, and Sweden.