Dr. Chenghui Zhang

( University of Nevada, Las Vegas )


(702) 895-0257
  • Institution:University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Departments: sociology
  • Research Fields: Crime, Deviance, Social Inequalities, Race / Ethnicity
  • Disciplines: Social Sciences, Sociology


Dr. Chenghui Zhang has served on several thesis and dissertation committees. She also serves an advisory role on the Mentoring and Database Program for the Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice.


Dr. Chenghui Zhang specializes in criminology, bias crime, racial/ethnic inequalities, and quantitative methods. Her research explores how social structure influences crime and crime reporting behaviors, with a specific focus on how social inequalities affect perceptions of and reactions to bias crimes. Methodologically, Zhang employs survey experiments to obtain first-hand data as an alternative to official statistics and applies advanced statistical methods and machine learning techniques to reveal how social inequalities manifest in crime experiences and crime reporting behaviors.