Dr. Chad Curtis

( Nevada State University )


(702) 992-2623
  • Institution:Nevada State University
  • Departments: data media & design
  • Research Fields: Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery, Data Science, Machine Learning, Pedagogy, Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
  • Disciplines: Applied Mathematics, General, Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Location:Clark County
  • Funding:INBRE - IdeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence


Dr. Curtis mentors undergraduate researchers each summer through the 10-week INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (iSURF) program. Students work on an independent research project culminating in a poster presentation at the NSC Creative Works Conference. Dr. Curtis has also mentored students throughout the school year on independent research projects.


​Dr. Curtis’s research interests lie at the interface of engineering, data science and medicine. He investigates the transport properties of nanoparticle platforms for improved drug delivery. He uses machine learning models combined trained on nanoparticle trajectory datasets to characterize the nanoparticle-tissue microenvironment interface. As a data scientist, Dr. Curtis is also involved in many multidisciplinary projects across campus including thermal modeling of Lake Mead, genome sequencing and bioinformatics, open education resources evaluation, and support for wellness and retention of undergraduate researchers.